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I believe that tattoos are not just an art form, they are a lifestyle. That's why I provide professional and customized tattooing services to suit every individual's needs. I’m here to explain how to take care of your new tattoo, ensuring it always looks its best while providing helpful advice about how to best care for it. I only recommend using Mad Rabbit tattoo aftercare products. 

Everything you need can be found on the leading tattoo aftercare brands site by clicking the link below. 

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Day 1-3

You’ll have a bandage placed over the tattoo that should remain on 1-3 days depending on the size and amount of plasma buildup.
On day 3 remove the bandage in warm water (shower is easiest and the mess is washed away).

Once the bandage comes off, their may be fluid oozing from the tattoo. This is blood, plasma and some extra ink. It’s normal. Your skin will also be red and sore. It might feel slightly warm to the touch.

With clean hands, wash the tattoo with warm water and a fragrance-free antibacterial soap. DO NOT use a washcloth as they can harbor bacteria. Leave the bandage off so the tattoo can heal.

Day 3-6

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Your tattoo will have a duller, cloudy appearance by now. You will also notice scabs forming, this is because your skin is healing. Wash your tattoo once or twice a day and apply Mad Rabbit Soothing Gel. When you wash, you might notice some ink running into the sink or shower, but this is just excess ink that’s come up through your skin.The redness should start to fade. You’ll probably notice some light scabbing over the tattoo. Don’t pick at the scabs.Continue washing your tattoo once or twice a day. Apply Mad Rabbit Soothing Gel after each wash.​

Day 6-14

By now, the scabs have hardened and will begin to flake off. Remember, do not pick at them or try to pull them off, they will soon come off naturally. Picking and pulling at them could pull out the ink and leave scars.

At this point your skin may feel very itchy. Gently rub on Mad Rabbit Soothing Gel several times a day to relieve the itch.

If your tattoo is still red and swollen at this point, you might have an infection. Go back to your artist or see a doctor.

Day 14-30

In this last stage of healing, most of the big flakes will be gone and the scabs should be going away, if you had any. You might still see some dead skin, but it should eventually clear up too. The tattooed area might still look dry and dull. Start using Mad Rabbit Tattoo Balm until the skin looks hydrated again.

By the second or third week, the outer layers of skin should have healed. It may take three to four months for the lower layers to completely heal. By the end of your third month, the tattoo should look as bright and vivid as the artist intended.

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